Welcome to 

Artificial Intelligence

Natural Language Processing &

Bigdata Analytics Laboratory (ANDlab)

Graduate School of Information, 

Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

NOTICE: ANDlab in Yonsei University is now recruiting a couple of highly self-motivated graduate students and post-doctoral research fellows. Please contact Professor Beakcheol Jang (bjang@yonsei.ac.kr) for more information with your curriculum vitae and transcript. 

연세대학교 ANDlab 연구실에서는 대학원생과 박사후 연구원을 모집하고 있습니다. 연구실 지원을 원하는 학생들은 장백철 교수님께 (bjang@yonsei.ac.kr) 성적표 이력서와 함께 연락주세요. 

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